Legal Disclaimer

You've seen these, you've never read them. It's okay. Just don't sue the finch. You're responsible for all buy and sell decisions. Investing has risks.

Last updated: October 5, 2023.

Legal Disclaimer

We can't believe you want to read this.

Information is provided by amateur investors.

Solt DB Invest provides information compiled by amateur investors. That means we don't have any fancy financial qualifications. We aren't professional financial advisors, portfolio managers, or stock brokers.

Although our intention is for all analysts to earn a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) charter, none of our analysts currently have a charter. There can be no guarantee they'll be smart or disciplined enough to earn one. I mean, look at us.

You are responsible for all buy, sell, and hold decisions.

Solt DB Invest doesn't make stock recommendations. We don't introduce new companies with "Buy" recommendations, issue "triple-down buy alerts," promise "up to 8x returns by 2028," or advertise "rare all-in buy alerts." Those are the other guys.

We compile information to help make sense of the complex intersection of finance and biotech. If you buy or sell a stock, then that is your decision to make.

Investing includes risks. Biotech investing includes risks.

Stocks go up. Stocks go down. Stocks go sideways. Many individual stocks don't outperform popular benchmarks, such as the S&P 500. That includes many stocks in the Solt DB Invest coverage ecosystem.

Biotech stocks are inherently volatile, especially prior to generating meaningful revenue or achieving profitable operations. Solt DB Invest has historically covered small-cap stocks, which are among the riskiest and most volatile investments on the stock market.

Market data information is provided by Twelve Data.

Financial information, including stock price data, is provided by Twelve Data. You can read Twelve Data's terms on their website. You really like reading, huh?