Finch Trades: Relay Therapeutics (September 5, 2024)

Bottom-Up Insights
  • Trade: I purchased 323.619 shares of Relay Therapeutics at $6.1801 per share on September 5, 2024.
  • Portfolio: Personal Brokerage
  • Rationale: My investment thesis for Relay Therapeutics is that motion-based drug design (MBDD) represents a rare step-change in the efficieny of drug development. By raising the probability of success (POS), investors can feel comfortable paying higher premiums for assets and the company as a whole.
  • Holding Period: As long as she'll have me

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We are so back baby.

My cost basis for Relay Therapeutics in my personal brokerage before this trade was near $17.40 per share. Why? Primarily because I hadn't been able to add much cash to my portfolio in the early ramp of Solt DB from May 2022 through early 2024. I had prioritized other positions in recent months, but this will be the priority through the end of 2024 (I'll add or start new positions, too).

This Finch Trade research note will serve as a placeholder -- I'll follow up with a deeper rationale in the next 24 hours.

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The Trade

Relay Therapeutics is considered a Growth (Quality) position. I purchased 323.619 shares at $6.1801 per share on September 5, 2024.

Margin of Safety & Allocation

Relay Therapeutics is considered a Growth (Quality) position. The current modeled fair valuation for the company based on my 2024 model, primarily reflecting the commercial value of lirafugratinib (RLY-4008), is below:

  • Market close September 4: $6.35 per share
  • Modeled Fair Valuation: $23.51 per share
  • Allocation Range: Up to 15%

Further Reading